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在国家艺术理事会的艺术教育计划(NAC-AEP)支持下,舞蹈剧场将超过 90 个项目带进校园让近 30,000 实体及8,000线上师生接触并了解华族舞蹈。
舞蹈剧场的四项教育计划项目有适合幼儿园、小学、中学及高中的学生。它们分别是演出、工作坊及学习之旅。校方可申请赛马博彩管理局艺术基金(Tote Board Arts Fund),享有 50% 赞助。
"The girls learnt something new, and found the programme interesting. As seen with their reactions, they enjoyed the show so much, and have definitely benefitted from this dance art exposure. I am very sure they would like to have more of these type of performances in the future."
Ms Angeline Grace, Teacher
"Parents and children enjoyed the session very much. It is a pleasure to work with your staff who were very energetic and patient with the children."
Mdm Mastura Khalid, Principal
“工作坊非常有趣和热闹,因为导师使用了学生们觉得很吸引人的道具。 3位教练的舞蹈视频演示也很好。”
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